Time Attack Format

The maximum allowed entries into each Time Attack event will vary based on the number of available transponders, time allotment, track configuration and/or various nonspecific reasons.  Registration priority will be on a first come, first served basis.  If there is a surplus of registered entrants, a waiting list will be created.

All Time Attack participants must check in with registration FIRST if they have rented a transponder, after which all participants are to check into the Time Attack meeting.  Failure to check in during the specified time could result in a forfeited slot to a “waiting list” competitor.

It is the responsibility of each competitor to securely fasten their transponder to the front or rear exterior of their own vehicle, as low as possible to the ground (multiple zip ties are generally preferred).  Competitors will be responsible for replacement cost of any damaged transponders (est. $300) due to insufficient securing of the unit to their vehicle.

It is also the competitor’s responsibility to fasten the transponder as close to the racing surface as safely possible, this will ensure the best possible chance of the transponder hitting.  If the transponder does not hit (a time is not recorded), UMS Tuning and event officials will attempt to organize a re-run IF time permits and does not hinder the remaining competitors but it is not guaranteed.

UMS Tuning will organize the competitors into “heats” or “run groups” and competitors will be assigned according to lap time potential to reduce the chance of any passing providing all competitors the best opportunity for their quickest lap time. It is the responsibility of each competitor to have an “estimate” of their lap times (GPS based lap timer, stop watch, etc.) available to the Time Attack staff no later than the Time Attack meeting.  Once all competitors have checked in, UMS Tuning and grid staff will have run positions to assist with grid placement for each participant.

All competitors will be given 1 warm up lap, 2 “hot” laps and 1 cool down lap.  Special attention and launch intervals will be adjusted on grid to better assist with the avoidance of passing situations. It is imperative competitors maintain the gap given by staff when released on to the track, and the lead vehicle doesn’t outrun the competitors behind them. A 50-60% pace should be maintained on the warm up lap. If a pass occurs on track, there is no penalty for either driver. Obviously all drivers are going for their absolute best time therefore passing situations may present themselves. Proper track etiquette would be for the slower vehicle to allow the faster vehicle by. Never contest a corner, and if you see a competitor closing in on you it’s your responsibility to facilitate a safe pass. A simple lift off on a straight or early brake into a corner is all it takes to allow a safe pass in most situations.

Competitors will be disqualified (DQ) from the Time Attack results if they:

  1. Spin their vehicle more than 90 degrees
  2. Go off track (e.g. 4 wheels leave the intended racing surface)
  3. Do more than 1 warm up lap, 2 flying laps and 1 cool down lap
  4. Missing corner worker flags

If you are DQ’d you will be black flagged and need to return to the hot pits immediately paying close attention to not affect other competitors laps.

To ensure the event runs as efficiently as possible there will be overlap between the cool down lap and warm up laps (e.g. group 2 vehicles will be launched into their warm up lap when group 1 vehicles start their cool down lap).  Event etiquette would be for the “cool down lap vehicles” to yield to the warm up lap vehicles, however competitors should maintain a 70-80% pace on their cool down laps to help avoid this scenario.

Once competitors have completed their competition laps, they will be required to take their vehicle to impound and must remain there until all rented transponders have been collected and results have been posted.  Results will be shared immediately after the event at the UMS Tuning booth or a predetermined location disclosed at the Time Attack meeting.

Time Attack Classing

A vehicles class is determined by its weight (race ready, with driver) DIVIDED by its peak WHP (W/H=Class), and tire UTQG

  • TA-A: 15.00 and up, 100 UTQG and above
  • TA-B: 14.99 to 10.00, 100 UTQG and above
  • TA-C: 09.99 and below, 100 UTQG and above
  • TA-R (Rookie): Any vehicle without proper classing, or driver who wants to compete as a guest with no overall or class points acquired
  • TA-U (Unlimited): Any vehicle WITH a proper classing dyno and weight, without limitations of tire UTQG (99 or below), no A/B/C split

Classing eligibility is based upon a vehicles declared weight, its HP and inspection:

  • Dyno/HP
  • Tire UTQG
  • Weight

Dyno eligibility:

  • A dyno sheet obtained from UMS Tuning
    • This dyno sheet is the only “officially” recognized dyno for the UMS Tuning Time Attack Series
    • A yearly dyno is required to be considered for season points (see Time Attack Points)
      • The UMS Time Attack dyno fee is $60 for FWD, $90 for RWD which includes 3 pulls
        • Best pull of 3 is used for classing
      • An unofficial dyno obtained from a 3rd party dyno/tuning shop
        • This dyno sheet must be approved by UMS Tuning or the Time Attack Director
          • UMS Tuning or the Time Attack Director will assess the validity of the dyno sheet (equipment used, vehicle modifications and location of test into consideration), and authorize and assign a proper classing for vehicle
        • Upon approval, the participant must pay a onetime entry fee of $60 for FWD or $90 for RWD

This fee is provided to support the UMS Tuning Time Attack Series stickers, year-end awards, etc.

Time Attack Points

Points are awarded in each class/run group by the default NASA point scaling (except TA-R) (section 22.1.1 of CCRs) PROVIDED the vehicle is recognized as a valid Time Attack vehicle (see Time Attack Classing).  In addition, each competitor will automatically have their lowest single event points dropped within the season, zero point events (events not in attendance / participation) included. 

If classing is NOT met prior to the SECOND event, all prior points will moved into TA-R and will continue to be placed into TA-R until the vehicle is classed correctly (see Time Attack Classing).

If a competitor competes in an event, does NOT get a recorded time due to a timing failure and is NOT allowed to re-run, the competitor will be awarded last place points for that event.

Time Attack Registration (Entry and Fees)

  1. Time Attack registration fee is $25 ($20 for competitors with a transponder)
  2. Must be pre-registered online OR on site at event prior to event
  3. Must include TA registration with full event registration
  4. Must be in HPDE4, TT or Race groups to be eligible
    1. HPDE3 drivers are eligible based on group leader approval

Time Attack Eligibility Rules

  1. All Time Attack entries must be registered for a full event, a logbook or proof of skillset
    1. DE4 level or higher
    2. DE3 with group leader signoff
  2. Each competitor and vehicle is defined and declared a single entry
    1. Points will accrue based on a single competitor and vehicle combination
    2. Should the driver change vehicles, even if the vehicle is in the same class, it will be declared as a separate entry for season points
  3. Class A, B and C must run a DOT Legal Tire (minimum UTQG of 100 or higher)
  4. Down-classing of vehicles is NOT allowed, up-classing is ALLOWED
    1. Acceptable: TA-A declared as TA-B, TA-B declared as TA-C
    2. Non-acceptable: TA-C declared as TA-B, TA-B declared as TA-A
  5. No passengers allowed in vehicle while competing in the Time Attack
    1. Any passenger found in a vehicle during a TA event will lead to a driver DQ
  6. Only mass production street vehicles are eligible for the Time Attack
    1. No purpose built vehicles (see Production Race/Clubsport Vehicles)
  7. Vehicles must be recognized as a Time Attack vehicle for points eligibility)
    1. Dyno and weight is required (see Time Attack Classing)
  1. Vehicles may add ballast, but are limited to a maximum amount of 250 lbs
    1. Using proper CCR mounting specifications
  1. UMS Tuning and event officials reserve the right to perform compliance checks including but not limited to:
    1. GPS Compliance System
    2. “Sealing” a vehicle to check compliance at UMS Tuning
    3. Weighing

Time Attack Protests

Protests follow the standard guidelines specified within the official NASA CCRs (section 17.5 of CCRs)

Commonly Asked Questions

Why don’t you give the street tire guys a break?  It’s not fair that street tires have to complete against R-Tires DOT or not!

Life is not fair, period.  However, this one has a pretty big history with the TA in 2006 and 2007.  If you honestly look back at the results though, very few folks running the TA ran on street tires and those that did fell into two categories:  1. Were still competitive even though they were on street tires.  2.  Likely wouldn’t have been competitive with R-Tires either.  Since street tires represents the minority of entrants we’d rather bias an open tire rule which helps simplify the rules and especially classing.

What is the purpose of banning “Slicks” but not “R-Tires” in classes A-C, aren’t they practically the same thing?

There are a few reasons behind this but the biggest problem with “slicks” is that they are not readily available in the correct sizes and/or compounds for the majority of the typical street vehicles that run in the Time Attack and the cost factor.

Why isn’t there a rule against banning of “Race vehicles”?  It’s not fair for the street vehicles to have to compete against them!

Take a look around at the top Time Attack vehicles.  It’s pretty difficult to tell the difference between a Time Attack vehicle prepped to the max and a full race vehicle.  In fact there could be a Time Attack vehicle that is not actually in “Race Group” but has done enough modifications to be legal for it. Why would you ban a vehicle that was purposely built for TA (& safety)?  Additionally, most race vehicle mods are intended for safety, not performance.  A cage for chassis stiffening purposes could be viewed as a performance adder on top of adding a lot of ballast to drop it down a class because of the power to weight rule.  Our response to that is, “well then add a cage to your vehicle too”!

I rented a transponder but registration has none available, what do I do?

In this type of scenario, UMS Tuning and event officials will coordinate with TNS and will remove a transponder from a competitor that has completed their run sessions, and attach it to your vehicle before you hit the racing surface for your run sessions.

Even though I pay my Time Attack fee every month, why am I not getting season points?

Season points are awarded to competitors that have provided a proper/official dyno, weight and documentation.  If you have not done this, then please see UMS Tuning or the Time Attack Director to schedule these items to be completed.

I’m from out of town and I’d like to participate in the Time Attack, is there anything I should know before registering?

Register under TA-R or schedule a baseline dyno if you intend to pursue season points, alternately you may provide a current dyno sheet, pay the dyno fee, and UMS Tuning will consider authorizing the sheet for classing use.

I sold my vehicle and purchased a new vehicle, it falls into a different class then my original vehicle, what happens to my points?

Any points awarded to you in the new class will be placed into your overall season points for the new class UNLESS you up-class your declared vehicle for the remaining year (see rules), down-classing is NOT allowed.  The new vehicle must also be classed properly to be recognized as a legal Time Attack vehicle.

I’ve modified my vehicle and its PTW has now classed higher (or lower), what happens to all my points?

Any points awarded to you in the new class will be placed into your overall season points for the new class UNLESS you up-class your declared vehicle for the remaining year (see rules), down-classing is NOT allowed and down-classed points will be awarded separately.

Appendix and Definition of Terms

Actual vehicle weight:  The actual weight of the vehicle (including driver) immediately after running the Time Attack as measured on event scales.  In most cases the weight can be done prior to the Time Attack, but in the event of a questionable protest, another competitor can request that the vehicle be weighed immediately after the Time Attack laps.

Ballast:  “Ballast” is a safe means of adding weight to a vehicle.  The most popular methods is adding lead bars or readily available home gym weights to the floor of a vehicle and secured with large bolts and washers.  If ballast is added to a vehicle, it must be present in the vehicle at the time of the tech inspection in which the tech inspector can sign off on the mounting technique for the ballast.

DOT Legal Tire:  ANY tire with a DOT rating and legal for use on a public highway.

Exotic:  Sports vehicle based with retail price in excess of $100K

 “Power to Weight” method:

  • Modified vehicles will use the “actual vehicle weight” and HP as measured at the wheels at the UMS Tuning dyno. Vehicles that are in a questionable class and do not have a readily available dyno chart to prove HP output will be classed at the discretion of the Time Attack Director or UMS Tuning officials.  All competitors that feel they may have borderline vehicles are *highly* encouraged to get a vehicle dyno to settle any potential protests and avoid any subjective classing.

Production Race Vehicle:  Any production vehicle that was built for the sole purpose of racing and never intended for public roads by the manufacturer.  Examples of these types of vehicles would be a Formula Ford, Formula Mazda, DSR, Porsche Cup etc.  NOTE:  The Time Attack Director may make some exclusions such as the Competition Viper – no VIN, old Bondurant Mustangs – no VIN, etc.)

Racing Slicks:  Any tire without a DOT rating.